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Banned and Disqualified: BLACKBURNE & DIXON PTY LTD Information

This is the detailed information about BLACKBURNE & DIXON PTY LTD, it is one of the Banned and Disqualified Organisations, the Australian Company Number (ACN) of the organisation that has been banned or disqualified is 008 876 033, the start date of the ban or disqualification is 20010410, the name of the register the record belongs to Banned and Disqualified Organisations. This data update on: 2020-10-23 14:20:03.

ACN that has been banned or disqualified: 008 876 033
Name of the organisation that has been banned or disqualified: BLACKBURNE & DIXON PTY LTD
The type of banning or disqualification that has been applied: Credit banning by a State or Territory
The URL link to the supporting documentation:
The start date of the ban or disqualification: 20010410
Additional information associated with the ban or disqualification: No comment made
Update Time: 2020-10-23 14:20:03