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Credit Licensee: VERTEX FINANCE (WA) PTY LTD Information

This is the detailed information about VERTEX FINANCE (WA) PTY LTD, it is the Australian Credit Licensee, its unique identifying number allocated to the credit licensee is 364299, the start date of the credit licensee is 2010-08-06 (YYYY-MM-DD), the current principal business address of the credit licensee is BIBRA LAKE, WA, the name of the register the record belongs to Credit Licence. This data update on: 2020-10-20 17:05:42.

Credit Licensee Number: 364299
Credit Licensee Name: VERTEX FINANCE (WA) PTY LTD
Credit Licensee's Status: APPR
Credit Licensee's State: WA
The Start Date of The Credit Licensee: 2010-08-06
The Credit Licensee's ABN or ACN: 48118931098
The Credit Licensee's AFSL Number: 0
Credit Licensee's Town: BIBRA LAKE
Credit Licensee Postcode: 6163
Credit Licensee Latitude: -32.102947
Credit Licensee Longitude: 115.797357
Credit Licensee EDRS: AFCA
Credit Licensee Authorisations: This licence authorises the licensee to:~Engage in credit activities other than as a credit provider by:~providing a credit service where the licensee is not or will not be:~where the service relates to a credit contract or proposed credit contract - the credit provider under the contract; or~where the service relates to a consumer lease or proposed consumer lease - the lessor; and/or~performing the obligations or exercising the rights of a credit provider in relation to a credit contract or proposed credit contract under which the licensee is not or will not be the credit provider; and/or~performing the obligations or exercising the rights of a mortgagee in relation to a mortgage or proposed mortgage that secures or will secure obligations under a credit contract under which the licensee is not the credit provider; and/or~performing the obligations or exercising the rights of a beneficiary under a guarantee or proposed guarantee that guarantees obligations under a credit contract under which the licensee is not the credit provider; and/or~performing the obligations or exercising the rights of a lessor in relation to a consumer lease or proposed consumer lease where the licensee is not or will not be the lessor
Update Time: 2020-10-20 17:05:42