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Credit Licensee: S & K CROWLEY PTY LTD Information

This is the detailed information about S & K CROWLEY PTY LTD, it is the Australian Credit Licensee, its unique identifying number allocated to the credit licensee is 386277, the start date of the credit licensee is 2010-11-03 (YYYY-MM-DD), the current principal business address of the credit licensee is WOOLNER, NT, the name of the register the record belongs to Credit Licence. This data update on: 2020-10-20 17:05:43.

Credit Licensee Number: 386277
Credit Licensee Name: S & K CROWLEY PTY LTD
Credit Licensee's Status: APPR
Credit Licensee's State: NT
The Start Date of The Credit Licensee: 2010-11-03
The Credit Licensee's ABN or ACN: 85085441372
The Credit Licensee's AFSL Number: 0
Credit Licensee's Town: WOOLNER
Credit Licensee Postcode: 0820
Credit Licensee Latitude: -12.437500
Credit Licensee Longitude: 130.849300
Credit Licensee EDRS: AFCA~COSL
Credit Licensee Authorisations: This licence authorises the licensee to:~Engage in credit activities other than as a credit provider by:~providing a credit service where the licensee is not or will not be:~where the service relates to a credit contract or proposed credit contract - the credit provider under the contract; or~where the service relates to a consumer lease or proposed consumer lease - the lessor; and/or~performing the obligations or exercising the rights of a credit provider in relation to a credit contract or proposed credit contract under which the licensee is not or will not be the credit provider; and/or~performing the obligations or exercising the rights of a mortgagee in relation to a mortgage or proposed mortgage that secures or will secure obligations under a credit contract under which the licensee is not the credit provider; and/or~performing the obligations or exercising the rights of a beneficiary under a guarantee or proposed guarantee that guarantees obligations under a credit contract under which the licensee is not the credit provider; and/or~performing the obligations or exercising the rights of a lessor in relation to a consumer lease or proposed consumer lease where the licensee is not or will not be the lessor
Update Time: 2020-10-20 17:05:43