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Registered Auditor: MELIK-VARTANIAN, HENRIK Information

This is the detailed information about MELIK-VARTANIAN, HENRIK, it is the Australian Registered Auditor, its unique identifying number allocated to the registered auditor is 180240, the start date of the registered auditor is 1998-07-22 (YYYY-MM-DD), the current principal business address of the registered auditor is SOUTH TURRAMURRA, NSW, the name of the register the record belongs to Registered Auditors. This data update on: 2020-10-22 16:28:11.

Registered Auditor Number: 180240
Registered Auditor Name: MELIK-VARTANIAN, HENRIK
The Start Date of The Registered Auditor: 1998-07-22
The Registration Status of the Registered Auditor: APPR
The Start Date of the Registered Auditor Suspension: null
Registered Auditor Town: SOUTH TURRAMURRA
Registered Auditor State: NSW
Registered Auditor Postcode: 2074
Registered Auditor Country: Australia
Update Time: 2020-10-22 16:28:11